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What is School Community Council?

A school community council is a committee made up of parents and school professionals who help determine the needs of our school and the best methods and programs to support those needs through the School Land Trust Program.  Members of the school community council will meet together approximately 5-6 times during the school year to discuss the schools needs, the School Land Trust plan, and its implementation.

Meeting Dates for 2023-2024 School Year

October: Monday 10/16,  3:40-4:40 pm

November: 11/2, 11/30 11:00-12:00 pm

December: No Meeting

January: 1/11, 11-12:00 pm

February: 2/1, 11-12:00 pm

March: 3/7, 11-12:00 pm

April: 4/11, 11-12:00pm

2023-2024 School Community Council Members


Brenda Anderson, Community Council Chair            

Shelley Day, Community Council Vice-Chair

Heather Johnson, Secretary

Shauntell Partridge, Community Council Member

Sara Ward, Community Council Member

Aerwyn Whitlock, Community Council Member

Cade Charlton, Community Council Member

SCC Council Members can be reached by completing the following contact form.

School Employees

Kyle Hoopes, Principal, Community Council Member
[email protected] / 801-610-8107

Shannon Hyatt, Community Council Member
[email protected]/ 801-610-8107

Shauna Crockett, Community Council Member
[email protected]/ 801-610-8107